
A Simple Way to Teach Your Child to Share

Hi guys!

Let me share my method on teaching my son on how to share things to other people...

As a requirement for marriage, we were required to attend a seminar (for two days). Luckily, I learned a few things from that seminar which helped me in guiding my children as they grow. I never expected it to be as effective as the guest speaker said (forgot his name.... sorry) but to my surprise he was right on this one.

He told us that an effective way to teach your children to share is to give them more than what they need - not always since it can sometimes be costly but little things won't hurt your budget. Like for example, if you give your child a lollipop give him/her an extra lollipop and ask him/her to share and give the extra one to someone. You can do it as often as you like and be sure to remind your child to share the extra one if he/she doesn't need it. That way your child will get used to idea of sharing as he/she grows up...

Tried it with my first born when he was around 11 months (not so sure... forgot the exact age) and until now when he's almost two years old. I'm not having a hard time asking him to share and give things to his sister and other people since he was already used to idea of sharing and giving.

I will also teach my daughter when she's old enough...

Hopefully this helps you!

PS: Thanks a lot to the guest speaker from that seminar :)

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