
How to Prolong the Battery Life of your Notebook (Laptop) or Netbook

Hi Guys!

I remembered that in my about me, I stated that my notebook (laptop) is turned on for long periods. Sometimes, it stays on overnight while I'm downloading or just forgot to turn it off (when I fall asleep while watching a movie or anime...). Ever since my wife and I bought this laptop on January 04, 2011 and up until now, I've been letting my notebook (laptop) stay on overnight. Usually the laptop sleeps because I set it to sleep when idle for a certain duration.

For approximately 1 year and 8 months, I'm still not worried about the life of my battery. I can still use my battery for around 1.5-2.25 hours depending on the power saving settings I choose. I can still depend on my battery during blackouts and in times where there are no accessible power outlets.

These are the things that I usually do so that I can prolong my laptop's battery life.
1) When I'm using AC power and the area has a sustained power source (no constant blackouts and the likes), then it would be advisable to remove the battery of your netbook or laptop based on the following conditions:
  • If you are not doing something very important (like writing an urgent report) then you should remove   the battery. Even if you are doing something very important but you are using a cloud server for your files and it has an autosave function, you can also opt to remove the battery.
  • If you are just surfing/streaming/watching movies and the likes, then its advisable to remove the battery.
  • If you're not in a conference or in an important chat session, then you can opt to remove the battery.
2) Check your user's manual or if you are that techy enough check your bios and look for ways to calibrate your battery. My Samsung laptop had a tool in the bios for Smart Battery Calibration. (You can also search the web for ways in calibrating your battery). I usually calibrate mine every 3 months or so.

Note: Different models of notebooks (laptop) and netbooks have different ways of removing your battery so be sure to check the web or the user's manual that came with your computer. My Samsung Notebook has a removable battery and doesn't have screws so it is easier to remove its battery.

Having your battery removed and replaced from time to time comes with a cost. Well, for my case, I have a son that runs around the house so sometimes he accidentally trips over the adaptor/wire or if he's in the mood to play pranks, he sometimes pulls the plug (T_T) then you know what happens next. Be sure, when you have the battery removed, that it won't be easily unplug by placing it properly and out of peoples' path where they can trip on it.

PS: I don't promote notebook (laptop) or netbook brands, I just used the brand of my laptop as a reference... Hope this helps you.

When to expect another post...

Hi Guys!

I apologize for not being able to post since August 2, since I got a little busy but I promise that I'll be posting at least 1 guide tomorrow.

I was hoping to post a guide today but something happened to my son yesterday. He injured his left sole in a bicycle accident. Luckily, he only got a minor injury. He's having a hard time walking for now as a few of his skin in his left sole was scraped... Anyway...

You can expect a new guide tomorrow, I'm still not sure on what will be the subject but rest assured there will be at least one guide tomorrow.

PS: Hope you'll stick around and check out the site tomorrow... Have fun!


A Simple Way to Teach Your Child to Share

Hi guys!

Let me share my method on teaching my son on how to share things to other people...

As a requirement for marriage, we were required to attend a seminar (for two days). Luckily, I learned a few things from that seminar which helped me in guiding my children as they grow. I never expected it to be as effective as the guest speaker said (forgot his name.... sorry) but to my surprise he was right on this one.

He told us that an effective way to teach your children to share is to give them more than what they need - not always since it can sometimes be costly but little things won't hurt your budget. Like for example, if you give your child a lollipop give him/her an extra lollipop and ask him/her to share and give the extra one to someone. You can do it as often as you like and be sure to remind your child to share the extra one if he/she doesn't need it. That way your child will get used to idea of sharing as he/she grows up...

Tried it with my first born when he was around 11 months (not so sure... forgot the exact age) and until now when he's almost two years old. I'm not having a hard time asking him to share and give things to his sister and other people since he was already used to idea of sharing and giving.

I will also teach my daughter when she's old enough...

Hopefully this helps you!

PS: Thanks a lot to the guest speaker from that seminar :)


Tips on how to have a live wallpaper in Windows 7

What is Windows DreamScene?
Windows DreamScene is a utility that allows videos and other optimized animations to be used as desktop wallpapers. Ideally it will utilize the GPU instead of the CPU as compared to previous methods of desktop animation. The supported formats of  videos in Windows DreamScene are WMV and  MPEG (though according to what I've read you can also use AVI by altering its file extension).

Step 1: 
Download and Run as Administrator:  Windows 7 DreamScene Activator 1.1 (click here)

Al the installer does is, it will copy DreamScene.dll to %WinDir%\System32 folder, DreamScene.dll.mui to %WinDir%\System32\en-US folder and add the required registry keys and values. 
Then it will automatically restart the Explorer to make the installation of DreamScene works immediately. 

Step 2: 
Choose a video with a format which is supported by Windows DreamScene (MPEG and WMV). Right click the video and then choose the "Set as desktop background".


Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:

If you like this Ghost in the Shell DreamScene by PhotoshopPhanatic, you can download it on his site by clicking his name. You can also search for different DreamScenes on the web or you can create your own. Have fun!


Where are my manners! I have already made my first post on this blog and forgot to say HI! to you guys. I'm sorry...

I'll be around for a while and will be updating this blog whenever I've got some time to spare writing.

Please don't forget to check this blog once in a while...


PS: Hi! :)

Sending a payment on Paypal and avoid extra charges

Almost everyone who buys and sells online have heard about paypal.com. Like Alert Pay, Xoom, and Moneybookers it offers convenience and security in transferring money and sending/receiving payments online. You can also transfer your paypal money to your local bank account and wait for 2-4 business days to complete the transfer (depending on what country you are in). All these features offered by paypal comes with a price (conversion fees, transaction fees, withdrawal fee, etc.). While those fee are discouraging and is usually charge to the payer and not the payee (transaction fee) there is a way to avoid the transaction fee while sending payments as shown below:

1) To send the payment, click the "Send Payment" tab.
 2) While in the "Send Payment" page, click the "personal payments" tab found directly below the amount field.

3) Choose "Others" (you can choose the other options but I prefer this one) in the options provided in the "personal payments" tab.
Now you can send payments through paypal without paying the transaction fee. Hopefully this helps you!

This was a post from my previous blog and I thought it would also be applicable here.